"If you won't buy the lie, you will never buy the truth. In other words, you have to be willing to play in order to win. The first time I read Bolaji Idowu's OLODUMARE, one thing that stood out for me was the story in the introduction about the farmer and the talking eggplants. As the farmer walked through the fields, some of the eggplants all started to call out to him, 'Pick me! Pick me!' At the same time, however, there were others that remained silent. Of course, the loud ones were cursed and the silent ones were blessed. Foolish farmers would be easily deceived by talking eggplants... Imagine THAT!
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The more discerning farmers, on the other hand, would have either prepared themselves for the experience or examined the situation more closely and discovered the deception. And while it's clearly much better to practice wisdom, and thereby make better choices, the bottom line is that sometimes, you're going to make poor decisions, based on false information: You will be deceived! In matters of love, friendships, money and even spiritual development, there will come a time when you will simply make the wrong choice. But, the only way to even have a CHANCE is by actually choosing! So choose to live. Choose to love. Choose to learn. This is what it means to live the medicine!"