"The great advisor always puts the client first. Your relationship to your client is more important than techniques, more important than getting desired outcomes and more important than outshining your contemporaries. I am not talking about coddling client or catering to his idiosyncrasies. I am not saying 'The client is always right.' Instead, I am affirming the fact that great advisors focus on service; they commit to building relationships with the people they serve. Oftentimes, we become so preoccupied with measuring up to the fact that 'Orunmila knows the beginning and the end of all things' that we ignore the REASON and the PURPOSE of said knowledge, which is to heal. More importantly, the quest for knowledge and increased technical skills has actually become an exercise in ego aggrandizement and self centeredness.
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As such, the real challenge to becoming a great advisor is to quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation. This requires an ongoing transformation of your consciousness. And when you examine the vast majority IFA verses, you will see that they deal with transformation of consciousness, in one form or another. That is, above and beyond telling people to sacrifice, the verses of Ifa also declare to us all, 'You have been thinking one way, you now have to think a different way.' This is particularly true for the priest who wishes to go beyond being a mere technician and become a trusted advisor who is an indispensable asset to his clients' overall success. Live the medicine."