"Let us thank the shoulders, Which prevent our clothes from falling off of the body Let us give thanks that a good mother Birthed us to a good father This was Ifa's declaration to them at Ika Ereja When they came into the world with three Ori each They were advised to sacrifice They complied Iroke was used to remove the ori on the right shoulder Irukere was used to remove the one on the left Before long, join us in the midst of all blessings in life Travellers to Ipo Travellers to Ofa Those whom their Ori supports Are the ones installed as Oba (king) - Holy Odu IkaMeji
The people of Ika Ereja were living in a state of confusion because they were beautiful by day, but hideous by night; everything they did by day was destroyed by night. When they decided to do something, they could not complete it because they would change their minds before they had a chance. It was this set of circumstances that drove them to consult Ifa.
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The Awos told the people of Ika Ereja that the source of their problem was that they had all come to the world with three Ori instead of one. Not only that, the three Ori were working against one another. So it became necessary to drive away the two extra Ori and enable the real Ori to function properly.*
Your identity is multifaceted. You belong to a family, an ethnic group, a gender group and a political party. Sometimes, they all get along nicely. But at other times, they wage war inside your head. As you allow yourself to live a fragmented life, these kinds of inner conflicts become more and more pronounced over time. In extreme cases, people become schizophrenic but more times than not, people just use a lot of drugs, alcohol, sex and money to compensate for their lack of solid identity.
Think of a time when you felt internally conflicted or lonely, in spite of being surrounded by familiar people and places. Have you ever tried to achieve great things without being true to yourself? How did it turn out? Living the medicine means harmonizing the heart, the heart and the hands."