"Magic is the ability to use subtle elements to influence physical beings. Generally speaking, magic is synonymous with the accelerated manifestation of power. Magicians get fast results! They are purveyors of instant gratification. A trusted advisor, on the other hand, is more concerned with relationships than outcomes. Orunmila is the custodian of destiny. As such, he devotes all of his wisdom and abilities to helping the deities and humans realize their spiritual identities. Ultimately, Orunmila's mission is to engage each and every one of us in the process of balancing the heaven and earth.
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The key word is ENGAGEMENT. It means active participation. Every verse of Ifa is based upon this simple concept, which is presented in the form of SACRIFICE. So, the babalawo will help you get outcomes, but you must participate in that process. It is only through strategically activating your body, your heart and your mind that you can ever hope to know your spirit and its true relationship to spirit of orisa. This is what it means to live the medicine."