Moon Phases
The Moon is a symbol of fertility, reflection and the energy of the night. Imagination, dreams and the divine feminine - both as the embodiment of women and the anima consciousness in men - are influenced by the phases of the moon. The phases from New Moon to Full Moon is called the Waxing Moon. From Full Moon to New Moon is called the Waning Moon. The entire passage from New Moon to Full Moon and back to New Moon takes approximately 30 days. This is a Lunar Month. In that time, the Moon will travel the 12 constellations of the zodiac. The apogee represents a 2-day period when the moon is farthest from the earth. Conversely, the perigee is the point 2-day period when the moon is closest to the earth. Both are times of rest and introspection.
New Moon
The new moon is an optimal time to quiet the mind and focus the emotions. It is considered naturally beneficial to dedicate additional time to meditation and chanting on the day of the New Moon, as well as one before and one day after. Priests of Orisa Oko - the divinity of agriculture - will make offerings on this day.
Waxing Moon
The bright half of the month - as the fullness of the moon increases - corresponds to a gradual strengthening of the emotional and spiritual forces that promote growth and prosperity. Naturally then, there are spiritual exercises that promote growth for each of the 15 days of the waxing moon. This is the time to initiate, gather resources, and join forces with like-minded people.
Full Moon
The fullness of the moon represents completion, abundance, and generosity. "Abundance is everywhere" is the Full Moon mantra! Therefore, the day of the full moon is considered an optimal time for prayer, ritual, ceremony and completing significant activities.
Waning Moon
The dark half of the month - as the fullness of the moon decreases - corresponds to a gradual weakening of beneficial emotional and spiritual forces. This is a time that corresponds with loss and constraint. Naturally then, there are spiritual exercises that prevent destruction for each of the 15 days of the waning moon. Now it is optimal to cut back detractors, uproot caustic relationships and ideas.
About the phases of the moon, Ifa says this:
The New Moon appears
Turning its narrow edge to the universe
Exposing its other large side to the heavens
Ela Poroke
Ifa divination was performed for the New Moon,
Offspring of Ajalorun
- Holy Odu OwonrinSindin
The Moon was once much closer to the Earth. The Moon wanted to be known throughout the universe and so he went to consult Ifa with the diviner named Ela Poroke. The Moon was told to sacrifice, not only for honor, but also for peace of mind. However, the Moon only sacrificed for honor, disregarding the offerings for peace. Consequently, Olodumare commanded that the Moon would be eternally restless; enjoying 15 days of growth and honor, and another 15 days of reduction. (Ifa, the Custodian of Destiny. Fayemi Elebuibon. Page 146)
New Moon
The new moon is an optimal time to quiet the mind and focus the emotions. It is considered naturally beneficial to dedicate additional time to meditation and chanting on the day of the New Moon, as well as one before and one day after. Priests of Orisa Oko - the divinity of agriculture - will make offerings on this day.
Waxing Moon
The bright half of the month - as the fullness of the moon increases - corresponds to a gradual strengthening of the emotional and spiritual forces that promote growth and prosperity. Naturally then, there are spiritual exercises that promote growth for each of the 15 days of the waxing moon. This is the time to initiate, gather resources, and join forces with like-minded people.
Full Moon
The fullness of the moon represents completion, abundance, and generosity. "Abundance is everywhere" is the Full Moon mantra! Therefore, the day of the full moon is considered an optimal time for prayer, ritual, ceremony and completing significant activities.
Waning Moon
The dark half of the month - as the fullness of the moon decreases - corresponds to a gradual weakening of beneficial emotional and spiritual forces. This is a time that corresponds with loss and constraint. Naturally then, there are spiritual exercises that prevent destruction for each of the 15 days of the waning moon. Now it is optimal to cut back detractors, uproot caustic relationships and ideas.
About the phases of the moon, Ifa says this:
The New Moon appears
Turning its narrow edge to the universe
Exposing its other large side to the heavens
Ela Poroke
Ifa divination was performed for the New Moon,
Offspring of Ajalorun
- Holy Odu OwonrinSindin
The Moon was once much closer to the Earth. The Moon wanted to be known throughout the universe and so he went to consult Ifa with the diviner named Ela Poroke. The Moon was told to sacrifice, not only for honor, but also for peace of mind. However, the Moon only sacrificed for honor, disregarding the offerings for peace. Consequently, Olodumare commanded that the Moon would be eternally restless; enjoying 15 days of growth and honor, and another 15 days of reduction. (Ifa, the Custodian of Destiny. Fayemi Elebuibon. Page 146)