ASETO: Spiritual Plan
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ASETO (a se eto) means "the planner." It is an invocation that calls for the management of spiritual resources in order to fulfill your DESTINY. Here, the ASETO represents a Step-by-Step Guide for Designing the Spiritual Life You’ve Always Wanted.
You have probably made time to plan your career, your wedding, or your child's education. But has it ever occurred to you to plan your spiritual life? Have you ever tried to organize the BEST use of prayers, meditation, dreams, divination, sacrifice, observances, days of the week, phases of the moon, rites of passage and initiations?
You have probably made time to plan your career, your wedding, or your child's education. But has it ever occurred to you to plan your spiritual life? Have you ever tried to organize the BEST use of prayers, meditation, dreams, divination, sacrifice, observances, days of the week, phases of the moon, rites of passage and initiations?
Orisa Lifestyle is not a one-size-fits-all spiritual practice. You might have the gift of dreams or you might be attuned to the phases of the moon or maybe you respond well to frequent divination. One thing I can tell you from personal experience is the fact that what gets measured gets done. The key is to figure out the BEST measurements of your spiritual resources in order to fulfill your DESTINY.
This may very well be the first time you ever think systematically about what outcomes you want to see in your SPIRITUAL life. How is the use of your DREAMS at the beginning of a project different from the end? What is the best way to make use of DIVINATION when your relationship is harmonious, as opposed to when it's breaking apart? How should you use MEDICINES and CHARMS versus PRAYER and MEDITATION when facing hostile enemies?
Even initiation won’t insulate you from life’s many adversities and unexpected twists and turns. But the work we do together through ASETO will help you become an active participant in your DESTINY, intentionally shaping your own spiritual identity.
The ASETO experience of creating a spiritual plan, regularly reviewing it, and updating it as necessary, has been transformational for me, personally. As my family, friends, career, and other interests have shifted, ASETO has kept me on track, ensuring that I keep everything in balance (more or less) in the face of astonishing challenges. When things get chaotic beyond belief, my ASETO Spiritual Plan serves as a map. It tells me where I am, and how to use my spiritual resources to stay on the path of DESTINY.
In ASETO, my team and I will share with you how to create a similar plan for your own life. I am convinced it is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure that you are living the medicine, achieving what matters most—in every facet of your life. The ASETO Spiritual Plan will enable you to get completely focused and gain specific results from your spiritual development. ASETO will help you:
– Improve your spiritual habits that lead to success
– Choose goals to move towards your destiny
– Educate yourself daily, in relation to your purpose
– Take care of mental and spiritual health
– Build great relationships with ori, your ancestors and Olodumare
– Do things with focused intensity
– Finish what you start
– Clarify your spiritual direction
– Reject self-limiting thoughts and habits
– Be better than expected
– Handle situations with patience
– Attract good people to you
– Not give up
– Overcome fears
– Upgrade yourself in the face of adversity
Throughout the ASETO experience, you’ll have access to activities and exercises you’ll be expected to work through as homework. This way you can test and apply the strategies to everyday life and implement them along the way. This is the part most other counselors and ritual specialists leave out.
Obafemi and Team ASETO are going to teach you how to validate your spiritual development and achieve personal mastery, too. This is what it means to live the medicine! ASETO begins with a comprehensive, two hour assessment and culminates in an outcome of your choosing.
This may very well be the first time you ever think systematically about what outcomes you want to see in your SPIRITUAL life. How is the use of your DREAMS at the beginning of a project different from the end? What is the best way to make use of DIVINATION when your relationship is harmonious, as opposed to when it's breaking apart? How should you use MEDICINES and CHARMS versus PRAYER and MEDITATION when facing hostile enemies?
Even initiation won’t insulate you from life’s many adversities and unexpected twists and turns. But the work we do together through ASETO will help you become an active participant in your DESTINY, intentionally shaping your own spiritual identity.
The ASETO experience of creating a spiritual plan, regularly reviewing it, and updating it as necessary, has been transformational for me, personally. As my family, friends, career, and other interests have shifted, ASETO has kept me on track, ensuring that I keep everything in balance (more or less) in the face of astonishing challenges. When things get chaotic beyond belief, my ASETO Spiritual Plan serves as a map. It tells me where I am, and how to use my spiritual resources to stay on the path of DESTINY.
In ASETO, my team and I will share with you how to create a similar plan for your own life. I am convinced it is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure that you are living the medicine, achieving what matters most—in every facet of your life. The ASETO Spiritual Plan will enable you to get completely focused and gain specific results from your spiritual development. ASETO will help you:
– Improve your spiritual habits that lead to success
– Choose goals to move towards your destiny
– Educate yourself daily, in relation to your purpose
– Take care of mental and spiritual health
– Build great relationships with ori, your ancestors and Olodumare
– Do things with focused intensity
– Finish what you start
– Clarify your spiritual direction
– Reject self-limiting thoughts and habits
– Be better than expected
– Handle situations with patience
– Attract good people to you
– Not give up
– Overcome fears
– Upgrade yourself in the face of adversity
Throughout the ASETO experience, you’ll have access to activities and exercises you’ll be expected to work through as homework. This way you can test and apply the strategies to everyday life and implement them along the way. This is the part most other counselors and ritual specialists leave out.
Obafemi and Team ASETO are going to teach you how to validate your spiritual development and achieve personal mastery, too. This is what it means to live the medicine! ASETO begins with a comprehensive, two hour assessment and culminates in an outcome of your choosing.
ASETO: Spiritual Plan
ASETO (a se eto) means "the planner." It is an invocation that calls for the management of spiritual resources in order to fulfill your DESTINY. Here, the ASETO represents a Step-by-Step Guide for Designing the Spiritual Life You’ve Always Wanted.
You have probably made time to plan your career, your wedding, or your child's education. But has it ever occurred to you to plan your spiritual life? Have you ever tried to organize the BEST use of prayers, meditation, dreams, divination, sacrifice, observances, days of the week, phases of the moon, rites of passage and initiations?
You have probably made time to plan your career, your wedding, or your child's education. But has it ever occurred to you to plan your spiritual life? Have you ever tried to organize the BEST use of prayers, meditation, dreams, divination, sacrifice, observances, days of the week, phases of the moon, rites of passage and initiations?