Strengthen Character
So that your character does not spoil your destiny. This awure helps to protect you from your internal contradictions. So that your behavior will not obstruct or limit your potential. This awure is made to prevent self sabotage. [Shea butter, cowries]
If you wish to succeed and restore balance in your life, we recommend this awure. If you had an Ifa consultation and made the appropriate sacrifices, you can work with this awure to strengthen your character.
Here are some of the ways you can use our awure to strengthen your character. If you are struggling to break cycles of self destruction, it is best for you to consult Ifa and make the appropriate sacrifices. Then, use our awure to enhance the benefits of Ifa divination. Character is what you do when nobody else is present. Your character reveals your true values. So, it is essential that you actually define your core values and be concrete about what kinds of actions reflect those values. Ask yourself, What are you actually DOING on a day to day basis that demonstrates your values?
TIMING: If it is practical, you can align the use of awure with cosmic forces by using the akose during the Waxing and the Waning Moon Phases. Likewise, you can use our awure on any day that is auspicious for strengthening your character. For a complete guide on choosing the best day for awure, please refer to PATAKI: Practical Guide to Orisa Devotion
First thing in the morning, use the cowry shell to apply the shea butter preparation, according to directions. Recite the incantation for internal fortification. Once the preparation is finished, you will need to return the cowry to Esu.