Tiwa n tiwa Digital Yoruba Empire
How to market on social media the right way
Social media marketing does not produce overnight success. In fact, anybody who has actively worked to gain followers and then convert those followers into buyers or active participants knows that it's much more difficult than just posting high quality content on a consistent basis. I have done a little research to discover the ways in which some people have used social media to create million dollar revenues for themselves. As a rule, I have found that what the elders say is true: A single tree does not make a forest. That is, it is not until we join forces with other social media marketers and influencers that our audience will really start to skyrocket.
Digital Yoruba Empire
How would you like to have over 1 million followers on Facebook by this time next year? It can be done! All that is necessary to start is to form a bond amongst a small group of like-minded entrepreneurs. Together, we will launch a promotions group, which I'm calling #Tiwantiwa. What do you have to do? Give shout-outs to each other on a recurring schedule. Each day, all members give a shout-out to one of its members every single day, rotating the schedule for a specified period of time (e.g., one year).
The tactic works effectively and it can be very powerful, if we follow through. Each of the profiles in this mastermind-like group will see their follower numbers skyrocket. The goal? To increase our databases to one million each by January 1, 2019. Afterwards, you'll have an even greater platform that can be leveraged and capitalized, not just for financial gain, but also for influence.
While most people know just how alluring social media platforms like Instagram and SnapChat are, NOBODY in our niche is presently reaching the saturation that's required to ensure high visibility and generate reliable income.
When it comes to marketing anything on social media, without a large footprint, you'll largely fall flat on your face. In my research I have found that there are a few primary strategies that build up and amass a large following. If you agree to stick to these strategies you'll have ONE MILLION followers within one year. The key is to stick to the strategy.
Next Steps
Help complete the list of 16 participants. Who else needs to be part of the #Tiwantiwa movement? Let us know. Criteria for participation. All groups in #Tiwantiwa must be:
Social media marketing does not produce overnight success. In fact, anybody who has actively worked to gain followers and then convert those followers into buyers or active participants knows that it's much more difficult than just posting high quality content on a consistent basis. I have done a little research to discover the ways in which some people have used social media to create million dollar revenues for themselves. As a rule, I have found that what the elders say is true: A single tree does not make a forest. That is, it is not until we join forces with other social media marketers and influencers that our audience will really start to skyrocket.
Digital Yoruba Empire
How would you like to have over 1 million followers on Facebook by this time next year? It can be done! All that is necessary to start is to form a bond amongst a small group of like-minded entrepreneurs. Together, we will launch a promotions group, which I'm calling #Tiwantiwa. What do you have to do? Give shout-outs to each other on a recurring schedule. Each day, all members give a shout-out to one of its members every single day, rotating the schedule for a specified period of time (e.g., one year).
The tactic works effectively and it can be very powerful, if we follow through. Each of the profiles in this mastermind-like group will see their follower numbers skyrocket. The goal? To increase our databases to one million each by January 1, 2019. Afterwards, you'll have an even greater platform that can be leveraged and capitalized, not just for financial gain, but also for influence.
While most people know just how alluring social media platforms like Instagram and SnapChat are, NOBODY in our niche is presently reaching the saturation that's required to ensure high visibility and generate reliable income.
When it comes to marketing anything on social media, without a large footprint, you'll largely fall flat on your face. In my research I have found that there are a few primary strategies that build up and amass a large following. If you agree to stick to these strategies you'll have ONE MILLION followers within one year. The key is to stick to the strategy.
- Define your niche audience. Carve out your niche audience. Who exactly in the Yoruba population are you targeting? Get specific (e.g., Nigerians in the UK, African American Orisa devotees, Nigerian investors). This is important because you'll be curating your content towards that intended audience. Everything that you do or say needs to geared towards these people so that your message is unique among the group. The more you can define your demographic, the higher your chances for success. If you ignore your target demographic and try to go after and appeal to everyone, you'll be less likely to succeed. Orisa Lifestyle Academy (for example) is a very specific niche market, targeting people that are interested in learning about the cultural context for Orisa devotion).
- Add massive value. You can't succeed on social media without adding massive amounts of value. Today, that's more important than ever. There's fierce competition in the marketplace, and everyone knows that the stakes are high. For those that can break through the proverbial glass ceiling and build a massive following, tremendous riches and opportunities await. Find ways you can share your expertise with others. Find ways you can help the people that follow you in some way, shape or form. The more you focus on this mentality, the more likely you'll be to succeed in the long run. I have accomplished this for the Orisa Lifestyle Academy with motivational sayings that inspire and push people to achieve their goals according to the protocols of Yoruba tradition. How will you add value?
- Create viral videos. I - Obafemi Origunwa - and other online influencers have leveraged videos to get our message out. Videos, which are done the right way, have the potential for going viral. And, when they acutely appeal to your target audience, they are potent and powerful on many levels. Take the time to create videos that will appeal to your audience. Use a video editor or hire someone that can help you. I create my own, but others have someone create their videos, investing a small amount of money little by little to building out their brands.
- Leverage hashtags. I have leveraged hashtags - #PersonalPriesthood, #OrisaLifestyle and #LivetheMedicine as a way of getting my message across. Take the time to research the right hashtags and ensure that they're applicable to your audience and your content if you're serious about succeeding at the highest levels on social media. #Tiwantiwa will resonate well with global Yoruba identity.
- Collaborate. #Tiwantiwa is a group of like-minded entrepreneurs on social media who you can collaborate with. Join this mastermind circle of Yoruba influencers. There is power in numbers. You can't expect to do this yourself or go it alone. It's called social media for a reason. Do shout-outs and joint ventures with #Tiwantiwa if you want to experience explosive growth in followers and fans over time. Just don't expect it to happen overnight.
Next Steps
Help complete the list of 16 participants. Who else needs to be part of the #Tiwantiwa movement? Let us know. Criteria for participation. All groups in #Tiwantiwa must be:
- Yoruba focused (social, political, economic, spiritual, artistic, cultural)
- Of African descent
- Part of an online group of at least ten thousand members
- In agreement to complete the sharing cycle for at least one year
- If your organization meets these criteria, join our exclusive Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tiwantiwa16/