"The first time I heard the truth, I was offended to the point of outrage. It was to me, so very inappropriate! My first reaction was to look away. But the effect was already permanently impressed upon my psyche. Facts are easily overturned but the truth cannot be unlearned. It cannot be denied for long either. The elders say that character is like smoke; it cannot be hidden under one's clothes. Eventually, it will come out. Truth is the same way. Its nature is irresistible. When you first hear the truth revealed in the sacred texts, the carvings, the dances and rituals of orisa lifestyle, it may offend your sensibilities at first. You might have a sense of revulsion. Fear may grip every corner of your consciousness. That is to be expected. The disease will fight to keep you ignorant and confused. But if you listen to your heart and soul, the Ancestral Promise will guide you along the path of truth. This is all part of living the medicine. "