So, as I return to my consultant roots, I'm revisiting the best practices in mentoring, coaching and counseling. It's great because this time around, I'm noticing some things that weren't so clear to me fifteen years ago.
For example, to be a great consultant, you've got to be a master of conversation. I don't mean small talk. When I say conversation, I am talking about demonstrating leadership through communication. When I would sit down with smart, influential executives, my job was not to make them happy, but to help them grow. I had to tell them what changes needed to be made in themselves and in their organizations in order to improve outcomes. It was not just about shoveling data. They already had the best data. Instead, it was all about conversation. So, how does the young Black consultant in African robes, with the name nobody can pronounce, advise the regional manager on how to run his business? One thing I always drew upon was conviction. I believe in what I say. That is, I believe that what I am advising you will be to your benefit. Even if I need to refer you to another specialist, I will tell you that without hesitation. It's because of my conviction. When I speak, I do so from experience, which is my my mantra is "LIVE THE MEDICINE". I'm excited about returning to the consultancy model, this time leveraging my own books, courses and learning materials in an effort to serve my tribe at a deeper level than ever before! Learn more: Comments are closed.
Live the MedicineObafemi Origunwa, MAThought leader, Ifa priest and author of four definitive books, Obafemi Origunwa inspires metamorphosis through living the medicine that will heal your life and heal the lives of the people you're destined to serve. Raise Awareness
Internalize Principles
Embody Truth