Most people have a very generalized understanding of the ancestors. If you're like most people, you just consider an ancestor to be anyone who has died. That is, unless you have had a direct and personal relationship with a deceased family member, you probably find it difficult to understand who your ancestors are and the importance of their influence. The ancestors have one purpose; to guide and protect your family lineage. Unlike the orisa, who are universal principles that are accessible to all people, the ancestors are dedicated to your lineage and your lineage alone. More importantly, perhaps, whereas your devotion to orisa will likely be forgotten by the larger community, what you contribute to your family will be remembered, repeated and celebrated by your descendants. Stated differently, what you do for orisa is absorbed into the cosmos. But what you do for the ancestors in concentrated and stored in your family inheritance. But how, exactly do you tap into the ancestors? How do you call upon them and deepen your relationship to them? The first step is to discover your lineage's Ancestral Promise, which is traced through what is called your IDILE. While it is true that idile is correctly understood as your family's ancestral home, in the context of spiritual development, idile defines the agreement your family's founding ancestor made with Olodumare before establishing the lineage here on earth. It is that agreement that informs your family's Ancestral Promise. Do of the following: Set up an ancestral altar. This is a place where you will go to call upon your ancestors. The purpose is more for your internal development and awareness than anything else. The role of the objects on ancestral altars is to construct memory and affirm social identity. Materials:
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D. Wole Murray-Ifa
2/18/2015 01:25:27 am
Aboru boye bosise ni Adupe pupo, Awo ObafemiO....NICELY DETAILED!!!
7/6/2015 01:55:16 am
Ase! Very easy to understand, clearly laid out! Comments are closed.
Live the MedicineObafemi Origunwa, MAThought leader, Ifa priest and author of four definitive books, Obafemi Origunwa inspires metamorphosis through living the medicine that will heal your life and heal the lives of the people you're destined to serve. Raise Awareness
Internalize Principles
Embody Truth