Orí lo da mi. Ori is one’s creator. Even the òrìsà are created by orí. In reality, orí is what makes you a creator. Because of orí, you cannot NOT create. To be human is to create. In that regard, creativity is not reserved for the artists alone. The key is to become confident in your creative capabilities. Some of that confidence will result from you trying new things, doing new things, accepting failures as learning opportunities and creating opportunities for successes. This is true of every aspect of your life. Sexually, intellectually, artistically, professionally and spiritually, creativity is part of your development.
Service & Creativity Lots of people get caught up on the THING (e.g., the song, the poem, the dance, etc.). But the thing you’re creating is a distraction. Like your own body, it is a vehicle through which to express a creative idea. So, one way to get closer to the idea is to focus on the people you serve. What problems are they experiencing? What aspirations are they pursuing? As you get deeper into the reasons WHY you are creating, it will take your mind off of the self conscious, ego driven need to look and sound “good”, whatever that means. Evolution & Development of Creativity You know this, but I need to say it anyway: A creative solution to does not manifest as a finished product. It’s crude at first. It might not even seem to match the concept you had in your head in the beginning stages. Gradually, however, it evolves over time through trial and error. In my classes (I teach art and Spanish at Ile Omode, Oakland’s premier African-Centered Academy), I use a four-step process, I learned in the consulting industry. It’s called Creative Inquiry and consistes of these four main steps: Dream, Design, Deploy, Debrief.
Cultivate Creativity Another tactic I learned as a consultant was the creation of opportunities to act. You have to deliberately create contexts that will stimulate ideas and give you opportunities to try new things. Think like a traveler! Explore! Literally get out there and seek new environments. Ask “why” more than you think normal, perhaps. Assemble a Team Eniyan laso mi. People are my clothes. That’s what the elders say and for good reason. But you have to get the right people, the right leadership and the right context to elevate your creative efforts. It sometimes starts with a single person who will challenge you and guide you towards unseen aspects of your ideas or environment. When you have tried your hands at many things or at the same thing many different ways but not been successful, it is time to be more creative about the approach. Live the Medicine! Take action. Know that you’re building a prototype, not a finished product. If you’re thinking too big, scale it down until you can be successful most of the time and LEARN from the experience. You need a model for excellence, no matter how small. But mostly, be passionate about it. If you don’t get excited by the prospect, then it’s a dud! No creativity will follow a dead idea." Obafemi Origunwa, MA | ObafemiO.com #OrisaLifestyle #LiveTheMedicine #PersonalPriesthood #BlackSpirituality Comments are closed.
Live the MedicineObafemi Origunwa, MAThought leader, Ifa priest and author of four definitive books, Obafemi Origunwa inspires metamorphosis through living the medicine that will heal your life and heal the lives of the people you're destined to serve. ![]() Raise Awareness
![]() Internalize Principles
![]() Embody Truth