Let's get straight to the point; we will NEVER forget the year 2020. Everything we had considered normal was completely rearranged. Our lives will never be the same. Some people were overwhelmed by adversity. Others experienced a boom of unprecedented opportunity. In either case, the question everybody's asking is, Where do we go from here? So, with that in mind, I was to show you how to make 2021 the best year of your life in five, simple steps. Before you continue, bookmark this page. Email it to yourself for future reference. Clarity is absolutely essential to fulfillment. This is where most people fail. Be clear and specific about what you intend to accomplish this year. For example, "By December 31, 2021 I will..."
Limit your focus. I gave three examples in three different areas of life. But that's only for the purpose of sparking ideas. Three intentions are too many. If you could only pursue ONE intention this year, what would it be? That's where you need to focus. Everything else must support that single, most important intention. Nothing is as simple as it seems. You need to slow down and get granular about the sequence of events, the resources and the activities associated with fulfilling your deepest intentions. If, for example, your intention is to earn $44 thousand monthly, you have to break down the sources of that kind of money. How much will come from salary? How much will come from investments? How much will come from your side hustle? If you don't know, then you need to ask somebody who does, even if that means you have to pay for consultation. Let's face it, if you're not energized and inspired, you're more likely to drop out. The first time I visited the Pixar campus I was amazed by how comfy and fun the place was. Employees were playing frisbee on the lawn. There were video games, walking paths and an array of DELICIOUS food available, free of charge. That enabled the employees to work ridiculous numbers of hours, with plenty of play time scheduled into their day. So, every couple of hours, every few days and every few months, you need to take SCHEDULED breaks that are just as mandatory as working at your desk. This is another major point of failure. People are too easily frustrated. They take shortcuts, which undermines the quality of their work and then, at the first signs of imperfection, they quit. You cannot take shortcuts and expect high quality. Stop lying to yourself. Greatness takes time... Not necessarily decades, but hours and days of tedious, boring work. You're not finished when your workday is done. You're finished when the job is complete and exceeds the highest existing standard. Until then, you sit yourself down and put in the work. PERIOD. Did you ever use a butter knife as a screwdriver? Well, those days are over. You are not going to build a house with a butter knife. Whatever your craft is, you need to invest in the tools associated with it. Not only that, you need to invest in getting properly trained in the best use of those tools. As your ambitions and intentions elevate, expect to increase your investment in self improvement. Remember, you will never see an olympian without a coach. The more talented you are the more important self improvement is. I am looking for leaders who are devoted to improving the world through positive influence. Is that you? If so, find out how Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can take your life and your practice to the next level.
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Live the MedicineObafemi Origunwa, MAThought leader, Ifa priest and author of four definitive books, Obafemi Origunwa inspires metamorphosis through living the medicine that will heal your life and heal the lives of the people you're destined to serve. Raise Awareness
Internalize Principles
Embody Truth