Amure sesese
The priest of roadside Cast divination for Ori The child of Ateteniran, one who has descendants quickly Who takes care of devotees more than any other Orisa Therefore, it is Ori who enchants me, who gives rise to money Amure Sese Amure Amure sese It is Ori who enchants me, who occasions a wife Sese Amure Amure sese It is Ori who enchants me, who brings about children Amure Sese Amure Amure sese - Holy Odu OturuponOse We cannot over emphasize the importance of Ori. It is the indwelling soul that provides countless opportunities for each individual. When you wish to embark upon any endeavor, material, emotional, intellectual or spiritual, you would be wise to consult Ori first. Likewise, when you reflect upon the success or failure of any activity, you will find it prudent to inquire of Ori first. As the vessel of your potential, Ori is the definitive catalog of your full potential. Of course, there is a common sense dimension of Ori veneration. I mean, given the fact that the natural shrine of Ori is your head, it stands to reason that most of what is good for your head also benefits Ori. From flattering headgear to healthy food to deep meditation, there are some obvious ways to tend to your Ori. These interventions should never be overlooked nor minimized. In other words, do everything you can to fortify and protect your Ori. In addition, however, there are also aspects of Ori care that should be carried out by ritual specialists, particularly babalawo. Remember that the elders say, Earth is a marketplace: Heaven is our home. So this is a reminder that Ori comes from heaven. It accompanies you on every earthly journey, but it is actually a heavenly emissary. Consequently, there are some things you must do for your Ori that do not belong to this world and have no visible effects. Once a year, for example, we are advised to perform a ritual which is sometimes called Ori Kadun, which is something like a birthday party. We appease Ori, as well as the heavenly beings who have been supporting Ori consistently throughout the year. You don't need to list these deities, nor enumerate their contributions. All that is necessary is to consult Ifa and complete the sacrifice prescribed in the sacred text. The Holy Odu IrosunOse tells us that it is only Orunmila who will return to heaven and appease the deities on behalf of Ori. This is why Orunmila is known as the Eleri Ipin, or intermediary of fate. Ori is supreme. As such, it precedes all other deities. Your spiritual devdelopment is only made possible by your relationship with Ori. As such, living the medicine is essentially Ori devotion. It is by optimizing the content and purpose of your Ori that you will improve the quality of your contribution to your own life and the lives of the people you are destined to serve. Comments are closed.
Live the MedicineObafemi Origunwa, MAThought leader, Ifa priest and author of four definitive books, Obafemi Origunwa inspires metamorphosis through living the medicine that will heal your life and heal the lives of the people you're destined to serve. Raise Awareness
Internalize Principles
Embody Truth