![]() Bi iwin bi idin like madness, like maggots Cast divination for Sango Who was asked to offer his pants and his scarf He refused Orisa possessed Sango When Sango was returning from the farm He started acting crazily When he arrived at Orunmila's house Orunmila said they should carry Sango And place him on top of a mortar And use three roosters as atonement to Ifa on Sango's behalf Soon after, Sango's face calmed down He was then carried back home People observed that Sango climbed on top of the mortar The drum of Sango started to make the sound: Bi iwin bi idin like madness, like maggots - Holy Odu IrosunIwori Insanity is the loss of connection to reality. If you have ever encountered someone who has gone insane, you know that everyone involved suffers. But what about collective insanity? What happens when groups of people, or entire nations slip into the darkness of lunacy? We look upon the history of the world and recount the episodes of genocide committed at Wounded Knee, in Rwanda and inner city America but we fail to appreciate the depth of suffering that people have endured as a result of insanity. Today, Africans across America own 1/2 of 1% of American wealth, which is exactly what we owned at Emancipation. That is evidence of collective insanity. Today, Africans in America make up only 12% of the National population, generate wealth estimated to make us the 9th wealthiest nation on earth. Yet and still, we make up 50% of all people incarcerated in the USA. That is evidence of collective insanity. Now, as Orisa Lifestyle is growing in the African American community, it has become cliche for some to claim that Ifa will mend our broken world. Consequently, our people are scrambling all over the globe to spend vast sums of money to be initiated, under the pretense that they will be instantly introduced to their destinies and magically saved. That is evidence of collective insanity. Divination and sacrifice only set the stage for divine intervention. If you refuse to change the way you think, feel, speak and behave, no amount of ritual and ceremony will improve your lot in life. Here, it is important to specify that the change I speak of cannot be glossed over with more cliches, like iwa pele or iwa rere. No! The change I am speaking of is to change our agreements in such a way that we make decisions that increase the collective vitality, prosperity and sustainability of Africans in America. More precisely, I am referring to 16 Agreements of Orisa Lifestyle, which will transform us from a unruly crowds into well-organized communities, who own, control and direct the resources in our local environments. This is what it means to live the medicine. Learn more at www.OrisaLifestyle.com/volunteer.
1/5/2015 06:03:24 am
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Live the MedicineObafemi Origunwa, MAThought leader, Ifa priest and author of four definitive books, Obafemi Origunwa inspires metamorphosis through living the medicine that will heal your life and heal the lives of the people you're destined to serve. ![]() Raise Awareness
![]() Internalize Principles
![]() Embody Truth