To be human is to be delegated by Olodumare to facilitate the Good Condition. As such, humanity is tasked with the mission to balance heaven and earth. In this mission, each of us is born into a lineage and every lineage has an Ancestral Promise.
The Ancestral Promise is a family charter that defines your collective purpose. Not only that, it outlines your inborn resources, including ideal work, spiritual guardians and taboos. It is within the context of your Ancestral Promise that you discover and practice your natural gifts and talents. Your natural gifts and talents are the means through which you live the medicine that will heal your life and the lives of those you're destined to serve. Focus upon these principles and your journey will forever be enriched by increasing levels of authentic happiness. Ase! Obafemi Origunwa, MA | Comments are closed.
Live the MedicineObafemi Origunwa, MAThought leader, Ifa priest and author of four definitive books, Obafemi Origunwa inspires metamorphosis through living the medicine that will heal your life and heal the lives of the people you're destined to serve. Raise Awareness
Internalize Principles
Embody Truth