There is a path that the soul takes from one generation to the next. Likewise, each family lineage represents the embodiment of the soul's journey as it seeks to complete its sacred mission. In this journey, you have been called to make a meaningful contribution to the world, according to your family's unique mission. In this regard, the truth and beauty of your personal destiny is marked from the beginning and the critical events of your life - your cohort of friends, love interests, educational pursuits, legal battles, illnesses and losses - conspire to activate your natural gifts and talents and enable you to express something that only you can bring into the world. Each step you take upon the predestined pathway of the soul can bring healing and understanding to you and those were born to serve, no matter what mistakes you have made, no matter what limitations you have placed upon yourself or have been placed upon you by others. Live the Medicine.
Obafemi Origunwa, MA | Comments are closed.
Live the MedicineObafemi Origunwa, MAThought leader, Ifa priest and author of four definitive books, Obafemi Origunwa inspires metamorphosis through living the medicine that will heal your life and heal the lives of the people you're destined to serve. Raise Awareness
Internalize Principles
Embody Truth